Frequently Asked Questions

Most people who come to therapy are interested in relief. For many, that means learning specific tools or cultivating specific responses they can apply during times of distress. These can be very helpful, however in my experience, the real transformation comes in being willing to consider multiple perspectives to the problem. This has the power to transform individual lives, relationships and your world.

Good therapy starts with establishing a strong, emotionally safe container that invites exploration and growth. My approach to therapy is improvisational and fluid. This reflects both my personal style and my belief that a flexible approach is most responsive and applicable to real life problems.

I use a variety of approaches to address the problems, concerns or goals you bring forward. For some, therapy can be short term, in which we practice specific tools or skills that might help develop new perspectives. For others, therapy can be long term, addressing trauma, developmental issues or deeper emotional wounds.

As part of our work together,I might ask you to take specific actions, practice certain techniques, or watch and read relevant literature outside the therapy session. I work best with clients who are curious, who come to therapy willingly and are ready to take an active role in the change process.

Ultimately, each therapy session is bespoke to your needs and is always informed by the dynamic interaction of our personalities and the particular concerns you bring forward. Whatever your goals for therapy may be, I am happy to talk to you about them.

Mindfulness is a form of mental training that can enable an individual to live a more grounded, balanced and therefore happier life. Mindfulness is being present in the moment, with mind and body connected. It sounds rather simple, however neuroscience has proved that it can have far-reaching consequences.

You have to connect with your therapist. No matter the therapist's specialty, you have to feel understood and respected. Its is my passion to support people in their quest to live their best life. Our first session of therapy often focuses on gathering information. I speak with the client about their past physical, mental, and emotional health and the client discusses their goals for therapy. I’m dedicated to ongoing professional development and lifelong learning and I have specialized training and experience in the following cutting edge therapeutic approaches:

Mindfulness-based interventions (MBCT/MBSR)
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT/REBT)
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
Emotional intelligence (MBEI)

I offer a limited number of reduced fee slots to those who can't afford my standard fees and who are able to commit to weekly therapy. Please contact for details.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch – I’m happy to answer any questions you have.